Monday, June 2, 2008

when a Rosehill discussion is good...

Council was pretty good tonight (I did have to leave early because of the aforementioned hives). We did more of an abstract analysis of priorities for the Rosehill siting. It's nice to take a step back and just talk concepts. Its hard when its an either/or site decision, and preconceived ideas of what's included start to cloud my opinion. Today was valuable. Part of the consensus was a big green space, open public park. that's good because that will just be nice, and it's useful for the festival and events that happen now. Any real constructed plaza may end up being closer to the building, tied more to connecting usage of space in the building with the outside.
Of course, everyone agreed on making the visual connections and preserving views of the waterfront. I think it may actually end up on the back SE corner. Wouldn't be such a bad thing. But I like hiding the parking more. Pedestrian streetscapes are important, I want the kind of close connection that the Lincoln courtyard has to connect to the community center site.

I wonder if we're off-base on the large greenspace. Jane Jacobs says people don't like and won't use big generic empty spaces. Maybe if we have different elements to break it up in ways....

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